Fear…How It Clouds Your Mind
Last time we talked about how fear all started in the garden. And with fear came shame, doubt, and confusion.
The same thing happens to us when we let fear take root in our minds. It creates confusion. Walking in fear is like walking in a fog. It is pointless and will not get you to where you are going.
How can fear cloud my mind?
Fear creates chaos in your mind. It is like not being able to see where you are going, but running at full speed into the unknown. That may seem like a foolish thing to do, but when we act in fear, that is exactly what we are doing. We let the devil lie to us and then, in turn, we make a rash decision without God’s guidance.
How do I think clearly when I am afraid or fearful?
The first thing you need to do is to take authority over the fear/fears you are struggling with. Then, ask God for guidance and what to do in the situation. Most of the fears we struggle with is the unknown. We have a God that knows everything…wouldn’t you want to know from him what to do in that situation? And then, WAIT to hear God’s voice.
Satan wants you to make a rash decision out of fear. He then has more control over you and your thinking. Once he has planted that fear and you allow it to grow that is when his ideas can take root.
In 2 Timothy 1:7 it says,
“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
When you rely on God for the answers, he will give you a sound mind(aka a clear mind).
Next time we will be talking about how fear can control you if its allowed to take root. If you are struggling with fear and need help contact us.