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Rev. Linda Penewit C.P.M.

Linda Penewit

Linda is a top expert marriage and family therapist in the Dallas Texas area, teaching married couples and families how to communicate and how to reclaim the intimacy within marriage and family. Linda helps men and women who are suffering from the pain and anguish of infidelity and divorce to regain their confidence in themselves and take their lives back. (*Licensed through S.A.C.C.)

Rev. Linda Penewit C.P.M. is a specialist working with children, tweens and teens, and is noted in her work with girls entering puberty and self esteem issues.

Linda works with women who have difficulties in just about any area imaginable. She works with bi-polar disorders (manic depressive illness), borderline personality disorders, depression, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, schizophrenia . She and her husband are in the process of developing ministry centers specifically for pastors, ministers and their families to come and heal, rest and relax. Linda can reach children with her tender heart, administering her knowledge of successful communication. Linda connects with children in ways that very few therapists do, with positive results. She connects with parents and provides them answers to questions that they may have thought could never be answered. Linda refuses to class a child in a negative light and from that, administering patience and love bring children and teens to a place of healing and wholeness.

 Linda Penewit was born and raised in a ministers family where her parents were missionaries in the United States. She grew up under her father, The Late Rev. Neal Alexander and her mother Rev. Esther Alexander, learning the true meaning of the word “servitude”. At the young age of 9 years old, she began teaching people of all ages during the legendary “Vacation Bible Schools & Bible Camps” that her parents held during the summer months in rural Iowa and surrounding states. She taught classes of adults as well as children at this young age as she learned to serve the Body of Christ, learning under the teaching of her father, the late Rev. Neal Alexander. Through this training and her love for humanity, Linda has a keen awareness of people who are hurting, and a desire to reach those in need. Linda has a special place in her heart for Pastors, Ministers and their families. She states ” I know what “life in a fish bowl” is all about”

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