I Don’t Understand Why I Do Things I Know Are Wrong
I need help.
Most people throughout their lives have thought this very same thing. I need help. But then when it comes to asking for help the thought stops. There is nothing wrong in needing help. If you were trying to move a heavy piano would you do it yourself or would you hire movers to help you move it?
Sometimes there are things in life that you yourself cannot see or understand; but if you let others in to help, they can help you see what you may be missing.
I don’t understand why I do things I know are wrong.
Every temperament has strengths and weaknesses. When you continue to follow the same pattern of doing the wrong things in your life, you are giving into your temperament weaknesses. Giving into your temperament weaknesses doesn’t make you a bad person, it just makes you human.
The first step to getting out of the same destructive pattern is to ask for help. It can be hard to ask for help and you may think that fixing the problem is something that you can do on your own. For some people that may be true; but usually you create patterns because it is something that you have struggled with and continue doing over and over again.
Another important step is to find out what your temperament profile is. This will help you see where you have been falling into the patterns you have been and help you to change those patterns.
How could knowing my temperament help me now?
It is never too late to find out what your temperament is. The temperament profile can help you understand yourself and can also help your spouse and family understand you better. If you know your temperament then you know your temperament strengths and weakness and can have a better understanding on how to avoid giving into your weaknesses.
Are you struggling with trying to break a destructive pattern in your life? Contact us, we can help.