The Struggles of a Teenager- Depression and Suicide
There is a huge misconception that teens don’t deal with depression; that they are just overly emotional. This can be a dangerous mentality for a teen that is struggling.
There is a lot that a teen deals with on a daily basis. Bullying, sex and relationships, drugs and alcohol, academic and athletic pressure, and some with unstable home lives. All this pressure is put on a teen, usually daily, and it is a lot for them to sort out themselves. Most adults don’t deal with these pressures daily and yet there is a misconception that what teens deal with is not as big; when in reality, it’s sometimes BIGGER.
How can I help my teen with feelings of depression and possibly suicide?
First thing is to establish open communication with your teen. Make sure that they know that you are a safe place for them to open up to you and tell you ANYTHING they are feeling or dealing with without judgement. Let them know if they are struggling with these pressures that they can come to you and you can help them sort it out. If they are struggling with thoughts of suicide, they should see a professional immediately.
If you are struggling to create open communication with your teen then it is important to not give up! Your teen may not feel comfortable talking to you about things that are going on in their lives. They may feel that they would disappoint you or that you might not receive what they are saying. In this case it is important to have professional help. A professional be able to help your child deal with their depression and any other underling issue. They will also be able to help you create a stable environment of open communication with your teen.
If your teen is dealing with depression and suicide contact us we can help.