Struggles of a Teenager- To Parents of All Children
From the previous articles you can see that teens and pre-teens go through a lot everyday. Most of which they do not talk about. As the adults in their lives, it is very important that parents see the issues they face as difficult and also serious.
Ignoring these issues or treating them as “just a phase” can cause children to feel rejected and possibly make choices they should not be making. It is a parents job to help guide their children through life.
What preventative measures can be taken?
Teach your children about the love and acceptance they can find in God.
It starts when your children are young. Teaching your kids who they are in Christ and building up their self-esteem is extremely important. It is NEVER too late to do this.
As the previous articles have mentioned, pre-teens and teens are searching for who they are and where they fit into the world. They search for acceptance and usually look towards their peers to find that acceptance. If they grow up with a strong relationship with God they have a firmer foundation and know that their Heavenly Father accepts them.
Create a strong family bond.
It is also important to have a strong family bond. Children of all ages need to know that no matter what happens they always have their family to catch them. The stronger “parent child bond” you have, the more likely your children are to tell you what is going on in their lives.
It is also NEVER too late to re-establish your family dynamic. Your family may be struggling to communicate or to have a healthy family dynamic. In this situation family therapy can be extremely beneficial. Also, knowing your children’s temperament and your children knowing your temperament can create understanding and healing for everyone in the family.
If your child, pre-teen, teen, or family is struggling contact us.