Dominating Rejection
Dominating Rejection
Dominating Rejection is a skill that will change your life!
If you’ve read my last article REJECTION Why so painful then you remember that rejection starts when we are infants and do not have the ability to defend ourselves. Rejection can even happen while we are still in our mother’s womb so this is something that nearly every one of those deals with that in one way or another.
But of rejection controls just about every facet of our lives and one way or another. It controls the way we think, the way we live, the way we love ourselves, in the way we love others. Broken marriages if the, painful relationships between relatives, painful or missing relationships and even missing relationships between parent and child. All of these things are the result of rejection in one’s life.
God created us call unique in our own way, and he gave us gifts that are specific only to us. To have you ever looked it yourself and wondered why you weren’t more successful than you are? Why you did not try for that position at work? Why you did not approach certain people for friendships? When you look at yourself in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see a successful unique individual created by God for success? Or do you see a person that is unable to accomplish even the smallest tasks? Each one of us can only see ourselves based on the experiences that we have had when we were younger.
The spirit of rejection
Rejection is a spirit that can be dealt with just like any other spirit if you know who you are in Christ. While we are professional Christian counselors with certifications from the National Christian Counselors Association and the Sarasota Academy of Christian Counselors we are also Word of Faith based Christians, so we know how to dominate the spirit of rejection once and for all!
But let’s look at the book of Ephesians because it shows us how it’s done.
Eph 1:21 far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named,
and verse 22 And He put all things in subjection under His feet,
Now let’s look at Ephesians 2:6 and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
So lets look at the facts.
- We are seated in the throne room right next God so we have the same authority that he does.
- Rejection has a name…so we have authority over everything that has a name.
So here’s a way to take authority over the spirit of rejection pray this way:
In the name of Jesus Christ I take authority over you spirit of rejection. Because I am a blood bought Christian saved by the blood of Jesus Christ himself I have authority over you! I have the divine right to tell you to leave my life now! I will never again entertain any thoughts of rejection in my life! You spirit of rejection, leave me now in the name of Jesus!
This is just one way to pray, but there are many other ways. Just remember that you have the authority over anything that is evil that has been attacking your life.