Why is Weight Loss So Hard? Part 2
Dr W H Penewit continues his 5 part series on why it’s so difficult to lose weight.
Stay tuned for video part 3 on Monday January 9, 2012
Weight seems so easy to gain, so why is it so difficult for us to lose it? Billions have been spent on weight loss products that include diet supplements, videos on exercise and psychology. All of these have a part in weight loss, and a good diet plan that will work for you is necessary. I remember a commercial years ago that helped people to realize that what is going on in your life plays a major role on why you may be overeating. Simply put, food is nothing more than a drug (remember “comfort foods”)? that we use to “numb the pain”. I rarely get an argument when I tell people that! At The Penewit Center the focus is on why instead of what we may be eating. One of the major reasons for overeating is low self esteem. This affects all the Temperaments, however, The Melancholy suffers from low self esteem more than the others. Temperament need is the number one reason that we make the life choices that we make. At The Penewit Center we can show you how to make decisions that are life changing ways to deal with the pain and help to make it stop…Contact us today