Forgiveness is a CHOICE
Which brings me to my fourth point… unforgiveness can steal blessings away. If you do not have a heart that is ready to receive all that God has in store for you, you will not recognize when he is blessing you. Unforgiveness breeds anger, hostility, revenge, pain, and resentment. How can you see any good thing coming to you when your are filled with Satan’s lies. Forgiveness isn’t a feeling.
Which brings me to my fifth point.
Forgiveness is a CHOICE not a FEELING.
This one can be hard to swallow. We may be feeling hurt, rejected, and in pain. We may know that we did not do anything on our part that was wrong (unless we have chosen to not forgive). But that does not mean that you do not need to make the choice to forgive. You may not feel like forgiving someone but you can choose to forgive. Jesus made a choice to die on the cross for our sins. He chose to forgive us all. And to continue to forgive us when we don’t deserve it. His forgiveness is limitless.
Which brings me to my final point. The Holy Spirit can teach you how to forgive. There is only one person with the purest form of forgiveness. Forgiveness without any malice attached and he showed us his perfect and pure forgiveness. Why not ask him to teach you how to forgive. Ask him to show you how to forgive the way he does. And make the choice to forgive. If we are to be an example of Christ, how can we be if we cannot pass on the best gift we have ever been given. As I have gotten older I have realized that I would rather be a gracious fool that continues to forgive, than bitter, angry, and full of hate.
If you are struggling to forgive contact us. We can help you find healing.