TVHP: I Judged Parents Too
When I was younger, before I had a child of my own, I judged parents. I would see parents with their kids who seemed to be completely out of control and immedately blamed them for poor parenting.
It is very easy to blame parents and say they aren’t doing “good enough”.
Then you become a parent yourself.
My outlook on parents with the screaming child is very different from what it use to be. I think to myself, “Those parents looks stressed out…I know what that moment is like”. Now, I have sympathy for them because I have been in the position myself.
Something we all tend to forget about children is that they have free will.
God gave all of us free will…even children.
There was a moment, when my son was two years old, when he decided he was going to spit every time he was angry. We were at the store at the checkout and he was throwing a fit (he was hungry so it was a little my fault) and spitting. The lady at the checkout was staring me down. I lost my patience with him and her and said, “He’s a two year old…what do you want me to do”. That wasn’t the best response, but it was true.
As adults and parents we forget that children also have free will. God gave it to all of us, and he gave it to us when we were born. That means, children also have free will and we cannot always control what they do. We can teach them and direct them, but we cannot force our will on them, and shouldn’t.
The Lord has shown me his mercy when it comes to parenting my son. I have needed to repent for my judgement on other parents. Through that he has shown me I want to be an encourager of parents with no judgements.
If you are struggling, contact us.