The question of forgiveness
The question of forgiveness
The question of forgiveness always arises regardless of who I am working with in a counseling session. The question of forgiveness is something that seems to be on a person’s heart constantly. I think that all too often people think that they have committed the unpardonable sin and that God could not possibly forgive them. But that is not true! God has already provided forgiveness for you even before you were born.
So why is forgiveness so hard for me to understand?
Forgiveness (1) can be difficult to understand depending on what your Temperament is. There are Five Temperaments that we work with and each one is unique. Besides the five temperaments there are thousands upon thousands of various blends of temperaments. So it is true that each person is an individual, And because of this each individual will look at forgiveness in the question of forgiveness differently.
A person understands forgiveness (2) in connection with what their temperament is. So someone who is a real people person will see himself as unforgettable because he has sinned in the flesh, but an individual who is not a people person tends to think that they sin in their mind and in their soul which is difficult to work with if they do not understand why they are the way they are and why they think the way they think.
So what’s the answer for me?
The first step is to contact us at Dallas Christian Counseling where we will administer the temperament profile And begin to help you do understand yourself. Once you get your temperament (and if you’re married) when your mate gets their temperament you’ll begin to understand each other more clearly than you have ever understood them before.
Once you understand what your temperament is, you will begin to understand how forgiveness relates to you and how intimately and deeply God truly does love you!