Toxic thoughts and a cure
There’s been talk lately about the brain and “toxic thoughts”…well I for one am very excited having worked in this area for many years. Your thought life causes emotional responses in your body that will cause emotional reactions which will cause physical reactions.
We all know people who are “worry warts” or people who are always angry, or you may be the type of person who cannot shut your mind off.
Research shows that this type of person tends to have:
– high blood pressure,
– high cholesterol
– heart disease
– Mental illnesses
This list is much longer so I’ve added just a few of the top illnesses.
So how does one actually begin to change their thought life?
We have heard from researchers about Toxic thinking and the harm that it can do, and some even offer techniques and ways to “train your brain”. All too often the technique that they offer is a hit and miss type of experience. The technique is ok but how to begin these techniques is what seems to be lacking. In the next article we will begin explaining how we get ourselves into this “Toxic Thought” to begin with and how Dallas Christian Counseling can put you on the correct path to a permanent cure.