What Are You Thinking?
What thoughts are running through your mind? Are they positive or negative? You see, the enemy is after your thinking. Why? Because that’s what he needs to get into your life.
We allow the cares of this world in and it pushes out what little bit of the Word we’ve put in. It’s time we put more of the Word in, then anything else. satan doesn’t have a chance if we do what Romans 12:2 says. ” And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” Allow the Word of God to renew your mind. It will begin pushing out all the worry and negative things. Watch how your joy returns as you begin focusing on Jesus and His word. Does this mean all your problems are solved and nothing bad will happen? No, but you will be strengthened and you’ll allow the Word of God to work for you.