Why do I need to know what my temperament is anyway?
When God wove you into the unique individual that you are, he gave you a temperament. When you make a decision, make a choice, respond to another person, approach another person…you are doing it through your temperament. Each temperament has what we call “temperament needs“…what this means is that each temperament has needs within it that will be met! If you have ever wondered why you do the things that you do…why you make the choices that you make…the answer is that you are attempting to meet a temperament need.
I’ll give you an example of meeting a temperament in a good way and a negative way. Lets say that you are the kind of person who lives life in the fact lane…you are always out with other people doing things and going places…in fact not being around large amounts of people really stress you out. Now we will look at the 2 ways that you can meet these needs.
1. You can go to a local bar or dance club every night and get your temperament need to be around large amounts of people very well. There would be people there to pat you on the back…loud music and colorful lights. But if you are a family man…this lifestyle wouldn’t work out too well in building a good marriage.
2. There are large churches in the Dallas Fort Worth area that you can volunteer in, and there are endless volunteer opportunities out there too.
Knowing what your temperament is can be a move that changes your life…contact us to start the journey
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The therapists at The Penewit Center are christian counselors in Fort Worth and Dallas Texas using Bible based therapeutic counseling models to assist you in healing and success.
Call our office…
Dallas 469 248-7223
Fort Worth 817 898-0490
Dr. W. H. Penewit
Rev. Linda R. Penewit