What are Temperament Needs?
Our “Temperament Needs” are as basic as our bodily needs are. Your body needs oxygen to live, so if you try to stop breathing you won’t get very far…at most you will pass out and your body will start breathing again. Why? because breathing is a basic bodily need. “Temperament Needs” function the same way, so you will get your “Temperament Needs” met. Let’s look at the 2 ways that we get our “Temperament Needs” met:
1. Meeting our “Temperament Needs” in a Godly or positive way
2. Meeting our “Temperament Needs” in an ungodly or negative way
Each of these two ways will have an effect on us:
1. Getting our needs met in a Godly way will have a positive effect on our:
(a) Our Mind, Will and Emotions…Thought patterns that are positive/Godly in nature will cause us to make positive/Godly decisions. These thought patterns will reverse negative/ungodly thought patterns and create chemicals in our brains that are “brain friendly” These chemicals will affect our physical bodies.
(b) Physical bodies….will react to these chemicals that will smooth the ridges of our brain. Negative thought processes create ridges in our brains. Getting our temperament needs met creates chemicals that smooth these ridges in our brains allowing positive Godly thought patterns to take place. (see scripture below)
Psalms. 65:10 says:
You water its furrows abundantly,
You settle its ridges,
You soften it with showers,
You bless its growth.
This scripture is talking about our brain and our thought patterns. “You water it’s furrows abundantly” with the Word of God. When we do, it settles out our negative thinking patterns and the harm that it does to the brain. “Soften it with showers” is speaking God’s words over ourselves and you “bless the growth” of positive thoughts.
Note: This process reverses the negative thoughts and emotions of the past. The Word of God is our link to receiving the “Temperament Needs” He created us with in a positive/Godly way.
1. Getting our needs met in an ungodly way will have a negative effect on our:
(a) Our Mind, Will and Emotions…Thought patterns that are negative/ungodly in nature that cause us to make negative/ungodly decisions. These thought patterns become increasingly difficult to change and create chemicals in our brains that will affect our physical bodies.
(b) Physical bodies…react to these chemicals and begin to destroy our organs and day-to-day bodily functions. These chemicals will allow our flesh to control our thought patterns
Proverbs 23:7(a) For as he thinks within himself, so he is.
This scripture reveals that what we allow as a basic thought pattern (such as negative attitudes etc.) will be how we see ourselves.