Seasonal sadness
This time of year has always been very special to me. I remember as a child that Christmas time and thanksgiving were times of wonderment and getting together with family. But as I got older I began to realize that there was something missing. Being born and raised in a catholic family I knew a lot about Jesus Christ. I knew that he came to earth, I knew that he died on the cross for my sins, and I loved him for that. But it was that personal relationship with him that I was lacking. So, I began reaching out to family and friends, but that wasn’t working. I began seeking other means to find my happiness during the holidays that they didn’t work either. It wasn’t until I married my wife Linda and began to start a family that I finally began to learn what the holidays especially Christmas was all about. You see, my wife and I began to make our own traditions, and these traditions were built around Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives. Now that I am a temperament therapist, I know even more about seasonal sadness that tends to happen during this time of year. You may be looking for something… that happiness that you know its supposed to be there but it is not. I think this is the perfect time for your mate or even your family members to receive the gift of temperament. There is nothing that I know outside of salvation that shows more love to a family member than helping them learn what their unique temperament is.