Reaching ahead, leaving the past behind for good
In my practice, I find that the reason for failure that I most encounter…is the past in a person’s life. Failure of the past and the pain that is attached to it is debilitating. Decisions made and lives lived a certain way will bring a bright future of an person to a halt. The individual thinks to themselves, “I messed up! Why did I live like that? Why did I make those stupid choices and decisions?” The reason we make choices and decisions is that we are attempting to meet “temperament needs” and these temperament needs will be met in a godly way or an ungodly way. The cycle needs to be stopped by learning what your temperament is. I know from experience that there is real forgiveness for the past, and knowing where it is and how to get it into your life will change your eternity. Once you learn that, you will know what to avoid in decision-making. Why not give us a call?