I Hurt Someone I Love
There are things that we all have done and said that we regret. Many people say that they have, “no regrets”. But for most people there are things that have happened that they wish they could change.
For example, if you have hurt someone you love.
I hurt someone I love…why?
It can be very difficult to see someone you love hurting. It is even more difficult if you are the cause of that pain. Most of the time, when you hurt someone, it is because you are hurting. There may be pains that you are struggling with and need help with. And instead of getting the help that you need, you have hurt the people/person closest to you. So you have hurt a loved one.
What do you do now…
What can I do?
First thing to do is ask for forgiveness. Not just to the person that you hurt, but also ask God for forgiveness. The person you have hurt may not forgive you right away, or even at all. But God will always forgive you for what you have done. He will also be a source of comfort for you as you try to rebuild your relationship with your loved one(if that is what they want).
It would also be very beneficial for you to talk with a professional that can help you with the pain you are going through. Seeing a temperament counselor can help you heal from past/present pains. Knowing your temperament and being aware of temperament strengths and weaknesses can help in the prevention of hurting someone again.
If you have hurt someone you love and need help mending the relationship; or if you are hurting and need help healing, contact us.